(Warning: very technical gamedev post)

I did some quick testing on the performance of Java and Groovy (my preferred scripting engine), to see where various game logic should occur, if it’s being called potentially tens of thousands of times per second.

Test specifications

Using Java 1.8 on Windows, Groovy 3.0.8, for 300k iterations of a simple a < b check. I ran the benchmark five times so that the JVM and Groovy could warm up a bit first, but capturing the warmup/startup time is still useful, too.

Method First run, ms Final run, ms
a < b 19 1
get("a") < get("b") 6 3
op(get("a"), get("b"), "<") 13 3
eval("a < b", sharedBindings) 1422 622
eval("a < b", new Bindings(...)) 699 688
eval("return get('a') < get('b')", sharedBindings) 837 772
eval("return get('a') < get('b')", new Bindings(...)) 782 778


As soon as you enter the Groovy scripting engine – at least the way that I’m doing it – performance slows down by about ~100x.

Jumping back into the JVM to get data slows execution down by about 10%, so it’s better to put data into the bindings than to jump out of the Groovy scripting context.


Using the following source file:

public class GroovyPerformanceTest {

  public static int runs = 5;
  public static long iterations = 300000l;

  public static void main(String[] arg) throws ScriptException {
    new GroovyPerformanceTest().run();

  public void run() throws ScriptException {
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

    for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doInlineJava(i, j));
      System.out.println("doInlineJava -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitches(i, j));
      System.out.println("doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitches -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitchesAndSelectOperation(i, j));
      System.out.println("doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitchesAndSelectOperation -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doGroovyExecutionSharedBindings(i, j));
      System.out.println("doGroovyExecutionSharedBindings -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doGroovyExecutionNewBindings(i, j));
      System.out.println("doGroovyExecutionNewBindings -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvm(i, j));
      System.out.println("doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvm -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // --
      for (long j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
        expect(doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvmNewBindings(i, j));
      System.out.println("doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvmNewBindings -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();



  private void expect(boolean b) {
    if (!b) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

  public boolean doInlineJava(int i, long j) {
    double a = 1.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    double b = 2.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    return a < b;

  public boolean doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitches(int i, long j) {
    double a = getSelectValue("a");
    double b = getSelectValue("b");
    return a < b;

  public boolean doInlineJavaWithSomeSelectSwitchesAndSelectOperation(int i, long j) {
    double a = getSelectValue("a");
    double b = getSelectValue("b");
    return doOperation(a, b, "<");

  private double getSelectValue(String s) {
    switch (s) {
    case "a": return 1.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "b": return 2.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "c": return 3.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "d": return 4.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "e": return 5.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "f": return 6.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "g": return 7.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "h": return 8.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "i": return 9.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    case "j": return 10.0 + MathUtils.random(1f);
    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);

  private boolean doOperation(double a, double b, String op) {
    switch (op) {
    case "<": return a < b;
    case ">": return a > b;
    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(op);

  private SimpleBindings bindings;

  private void initBindings(SimpleBindings bindings) {
    bindings.put("a", getSelectValue("a"));
    bindings.put("b", getSelectValue("b"));
    bindings.put("c", getSelectValue("c"));
    bindings.put("d", getSelectValue("d"));
    bindings.put("e", getSelectValue("e"));
    bindings.put("f", getSelectValue("f"));
    bindings.put("g", getSelectValue("g"));
    bindings.put("h", getSelectValue("h"));
    bindings.put("i", getSelectValue("i"));
    bindings.put("j", getSelectValue("j"));

  public boolean doGroovyExecutionSharedBindings(int i, long j) throws ScriptException {
    if (bindings == null) {
      bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    return (boolean) requireNonNull(eval("return a < b", bindings));

  public boolean doGroovyExecutionNewBindings(int i, long j) throws ScriptException {
    SimpleBindings localBindings = new SimpleBindings();
    return (boolean) requireNonNull(eval("return a < b", localBindings));

  private SimpleBindings returnBindings;

  /** Callback with a string returning an Object. */
  public static interface StringReturningDoubleCallback {
    double call(String s);

  public boolean doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvm(int i, long j) throws ScriptException {
    if (returnBindings == null) {
      returnBindings = new SimpleBindings();
      returnBindings.put("get", new StringReturningDoubleCallback() {

        public double call(String s) {
          return getSelectValue(s);

    return (boolean) requireNonNull(eval("return get('a') < get('b')", returnBindings));

  public boolean doGroovyExecutionWithSelectionBackIntoJvmNewBindings(int i, long j) throws ScriptException {
    SimpleBindings localBindings = new SimpleBindings();
    localBindings.put("get", new StringReturningDoubleCallback() {

      public double call(String s) {
        return getSelectValue(s);

    return (boolean) requireNonNull(eval("return get('a') < get('b')", localBindings));

   * Scripting engine. Cached between calls so that we don't have to continually
   * reinit it (it takes a few seconds to create).
  private static GroovyScriptEngineImpl engine = null;

  private static @Nullable Object eval(String command, Bindings bindings) throws ScriptException {
    if (engine == null) {
      System.out.println("Spawning Groovy engine...");
      ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
      engine = (GroovyScriptEngineImpl) manager.getEngineByName("groovy");

    engine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
    return engine.eval(command, bindings);
